Saturday, July 18, 2015

Documentation on Jewish Plan to Eliminate White Race

Rabbi confirms Jewish plan to Rule the World and wipe out the White Race….. in 1952!

UPDATE 15/5/14 – Apparently there’s a bit of uncertainty regarding the authenticity of this particular speech by Rabbi Rabinovich. Allegedly Eustace Mullins received it from a Hungarian Jew in New York City and that’s the only real source for it. It wouldn’t surprise me if it was authentic (I assumed Mullins was a reliable enough source), then again Jews do disseminate false information to muddy the waters, with the goal of discrediting the absolute mountain of factual evidence showing Jewry to be guilty of what we accuse them of. That said, there are tons of documented quotes by Jews with the same attitude, saying pretty much the same thing as Rabbi Rabinovich. Noel Ignatiev is one particularly disgusting Satanic Edomite Jew who deserves a mention!
There is ABSOLUTELY NO DISPUTING THE AUTHENTICITY of the New York Times article at the bottom though!
Here we go again. I know this all gets very repetitive, but that is the name of the game until our people get their act together. The following extract is from page 109 of the book, Who is Esau-Edom by Charles A. Weisman. I really don’t know how much clearer we have to make things before people “get it”!
Here’s Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich speaking at the Emergency Council of European Rabbis in 1952. “Emergency Council of European Rabbis” – what the hell? Why would Jews need councils/conferences of an exclusive rabbinical nature if they were not a cohesive tribal force working against the interests of not only the White race, but all other races too?
OK, so Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich got a bit ahead of himself when he said the Third World War would occur within 5 years and end for all time the Jewish struggle against the White Race, but who can blame him for getting a bit overwhelmed with bloodlust? After all, he was speaking at a council of his fellow bloodthirsty Rabbis!!
The agenda for world domination, otherwise known as the “New World Order” is clearly a Jewish agenda. Sure, there are plenty of scumbag, sell-out Whites who’ve sold their souls to the devil and therefore are willing accomplices to Jewish criminality, but there’s really no escaping the fact that Jews are the NWO’s driving force and coordinators!
Still don’t believe it? Here you go:
New World Order to Jews
Enough said.
– BDL1983

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